Ombudsman finds in favour of Advice Resolutions’ client in Anti-social behaviour case leading to meritorious win

‘Special Announcement’:
Advice Resolutions, an Alternative Business Structure, as Legal Aid’s answer to access to justice, secures a landmark victory from the Ombudsman in an historic long running anti-social behaviour case, resulting in a record level of compensation award against a large London local authority.
The local authority’s legal department failed one of their residents for several years in maladministration, dismissed many of the valid and proven complaints we and our client brought, failed to even take the complaints on board seriously, breached the Data Protection Act 2018 \UK GDPR 2018 several times over, attempted to use iniquitous tactics to label our client as the tortfeasor instead, which failed abysmally. Their multi-agency approach lacked proper  diligence, probity, and fastidiousness to protocol regimes, and they seem to have broken every conceivable rule by not having given regard to their own publication scheme policies, and far from assiduous.
The public sector has thrown us a gift of maladministration breaches. Our key message to local authorities is simply this “Anti-social behaviour and neighbour nuisance must never go unchallenged by the sector that holds the key to resolving either of these social ills”.
This case is our very first win of such a high level of compensation in recent months, in which the Ombudsman use their most robustly and rigorously applied regulatory powers. This complex case management is one of the kind, that not even our company thought could ever be achieved by our law consultancy and never before by Solicitors and Barristers alike within the complaints regulatory framework.
The complex data exchanges between the public sector local authority and our company certainly raised the bar for all Solicitors and Barristers who have dealings with the Ombudsman on behalf of their clients, to secure their clients the most favourable wins. This case demonstrates our use of a high degree of detective work and lawyerly investigative skills.